January 18, 2025

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Top 5 Tips to Stay Healthy in Your 70s

3 min read
stay healthy

How you age is very specific to you. Lifestyle and other things plays a huge role in the aging process. However, some lifestyle changes when you reach 70 years are universal as they are the outcome of how your body works.

Sometimes experts call that ‘pure aging.’ These changes happen to everyone who lives that long. While you won’t be able to avoid them, you need to be prepared and know what to expect so that when that time comes, you will use these tips to stay healthy:

1. Consider What You Drink and Eat

It seems like a no-brainer but eating a balanced and healthy diet is important for energy, good health, and preventing illnesses. A healthy diet is low in unhealthy fats with lots of oily fish, whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and a small amount of lean meats and low-fat dairy.

Remember also to top that up with plenty of water to stay hydrated. Fruit juice, coffee, and tea can also keep you hydrated but steer clear from sugary fizzy drinks. And if you take alcohol, ensure you minimize your intake.

2. Use Nicotine-Related Products

Aging makes you prone to Alzheimer’s disease, a neurological disorder affecting your brains. If you are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, you can use nicotine-related products, like native smokes.

According to health experts, nicotine has a benefit on memory as well as cognitive impairments in individuals with Alzheimer’s disease. Experts also state that nicotine improves cognitive function by activating a patient’s specific pathways.

3. Live Life with a Purpose

People who live long have one thing in common – they believe they have a purpose in life. This is greatly reflected in the roles seniors play in cultures.

Mostly, seniors are turned to and revered for counsel and advice. If you’re not part of a counsel committee, that doesn’t mean that you give up on having a sense of purpose. To find a purpose in life, consider the following:

  • Be creative
  • Volunteer
  • Play around
  • Join social clubs
  • Engage in everyday practices

4. Make Your Brain Active

Research shows that being active mentally is important when aging and helps to lowers the risks of getting Alzheimer’s disease. Focus to keep neural connections humming through intellectual activities and games that challenge working memory.

Like most seniors, you will enjoy classic music concerts, history lectures, event discussion groups, crossword puzzles, and Sudoku.

5. Have a Good Night’s Sleep

Low quality sleep affects your weight, emotions, appearance, and memory. The more you age, the more difficult it becomes to fall asleep. However, you still have to maintain the same hours of sleep.

Not sleeping for the recommended hours can lead to medication side effects, snoring, and underlying medical issues, like prostrate issues, depression, and reflux.

Addressing those problems with the help from your doctor is a great starting point. You may also get quality sleep by simply practicing relaxation techniques, dedicating more time for quality sleep, and sleeping in a calm space.

It is very easy to blame fatigue or low mood on aging. However, the truth is that aging might not be the culprit for those woes. Feeling depressed or exhausted constantly isn’t okay as you age. So, if you observe either of those changes, see a doctor for a checkup and further advice.

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